Y-generated entertainment for the Y-generation

8/6/09 - Nickelodeon Logo: The Grand Ol' Splat Says Goodbye

Photo ©Tm 2007

Nickelodeon logos are just like people - they come in all shapes and sizes. Like many kids who grew up during the '90s, I not only grew up but grew to love, recognize, and salute the orange emblem almost more than I did the grand ol' stars and stripes. Splat was my flag, Nickelodeon my country.

So naturally to me, the news of a new logo for Nick is about synonymous with putting a flame to my splat. Okay, so it's not quite that extreme. And it's not my splat.

Recently Nickelodeon unveiled a new logo this year, a logo streamlined to fit with the variety of network channels under the company roof - Nick at Nite, Nick Jr. (formerly Noggin), TeenNick (formerly The N), and Nicktoons Network.

Why not go with the splat? Nick thought it looked "dated", and while I agree that it would certainly look a little strange to see Nick at Nite over a splat, I can't help but weep for the iconic Splat. But, as anybody who grew up with Nickelodeon knows, Nick's all about fun. So, I thought we'd celebrate the splat we've had for 25 years by pondering the pros/cons. The trick? You get to decide what's a pro and what's a con.

P/C ?
Now all the Nick logos look unified. As in the same. Apparently Nick logos are more like robots.

P/C ?
I guess no more splat means no more slime. I mean, think about it. Picture says a thousand words.

P/C ?
Now teens will no longer be confused when they channel surf to The N!

P/C ?
Noggin's old news anyway. Nobody uses their noggin anymore.

P/C ?
If Nickelodeon has always been known as the "kid" network, then why does the new logo somehow fail at...kid-friendly?

For some more heated debate, check out these links:

Nickelodeon's New Logo: Splat To Flat
Nickelodeon Cleans Up

So just like we're attempting to streamline the kids that watch, so the Nickelodeon logo follows suit. So, what do you think - yay or nay on the new Nick logo?

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