Y-generated entertainment for the Y-generation

How Does Hannah Do It? The Clark Kent Factor

Photo (left) belongs to Xurble and (right) belongs to heliosphan

Wow...can't believe today is Superhero Day. What, didn't you get the memo? Well, it's that day over at my old high school anyway, to celebrate their Homecoming Week (my sister's going as Blossom from PPG). I thought I'd join the celebration band-wagon with a little superhero action of my own. Ever wonder at how both Superman and Hannah Montana are able to hide their secret identities so flawlessly? No? Well, there's a reason you haven't noticed. So just how does Supergirl keep everything so secret? The Clark Kent factor.

1. The wig.
Just like Clark Kent's glasses, it's the ultimate disguise. Nobody ever recognizes her just because it's on her head. Miley Stewart...blond? That's like saying Superman's a weakling! Also like the glasses, it's rumored to have special powers.

2. The normal life.
Superman (as Clark Kent) has his snazzy reporting job, while behind the scenes Miley Stewart gets to go to school like an everyday teenage girl. The best of both worlds. That way, nobody sees you as special or a hero...just like everybody else. Nobody will ever suspect a thing.

3. The dork alert.
Glasses...reporter...what more could a dork ask for? Well, a hick accent...maybe a hillbilly family. Oh, shoot, how about having friends even more "normal" than you, they make you look weird. This is a must for keeping the identity a secret - who would ever think that a dork could be somebody...well, super.

There you have it. The secret to the secret is revealed. Now do me a favor, and don't tell anyone.

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